Striped Flashback Tee for Hugo
blue flashback tee for Hugo
It’s been a while since I posted pics of le bebe, so let me show you the latest Flashback Tee I made for him!! It’s a whole new world of clothes-making for Hugo now that he’s fully into the 12-18 month size I tell you. Now I can make him Charlie Tunics and Flashback Tees since both patterns run size 12 mo – 5!! I had a few small scraps left over from a Lillestof knit I used to make this Flashback henley for Elliot, perfect for a tiny tee. I think it looks particularly cute paired with these mini Boden pants. Unfortunately the pants don’t fit over his cloth diapers very well, good thing they make up for their illfittingness (new word alert) with cuteness. I really should have made some yellow twill B3Ps!!
blue flashback tee for Hugo
He is teething in a major way right now: currently his third and fourth teeth are pushing through his upper gums, so this banana toothbrush has been in constant use as a teething toy.
blue flashback tee for Hugo
I added a little pocket, which is completely cosmetic and totally not useful (like pockets in baby pants. what are those for anyway? storing their baby credit cards?), but in my opinion make it 100% cuter. I really must show you my easy-peasy knit pocket trick someday.
blue flashback tee for Hugo