The boy, a hat, and his Cthulhu


Couldn't resist a little CTB encore today with pictures of the new Tic Tac Toe shirt in action.

hat 5

hat 5







kthulu 3

kthulu 3

Bonus points to you if you even know who Cthulhu is (it's pronounced "ka-thoo-loo"). Our little Cthulhu enjoys current status as the most loved of all of Elliot's "guys," which is what he calls the entourage of stuffed animals (this includes Kermit) that inhabit his bed. It may seem like an odd choice for a stuffed animal, but Mr Rae and I thought it was completely hilarious when Elliot used to put a bowl in front of Cthulhu at the dinner table and tell us, with his slight little lisp, that Cthulhu was eating "the souls of his followers" ("the soulth of hith followerth"), a concept he was far too young to comprehend. I'm pretty sure his grandmother found this a bit horrifying.

kthulu in the hat

kthulu in the hat