Rainbow Quilt
If it seems quiet around here on the blog, there's a good reason: I'm in the midst of flitting back and forth between what feels like a million projects at once: a new pattern, sewing projects for a blog series coming soon with this good friend of mine, another project that I can't talk about (!!!), and making various decisions of one kind or another. Meanwhile I've been puttering away on this lovely project (first previewed here last fall) while watching back-to-back episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix {dies a little bit from embarrassment}:
When I say this quilt is lovely, I mean SO lovely and soft I literally can't stop staring at it. I swear, this thing GLOWS.
It took all of my willpower to remove it from my lap where it had been snuggled up with me for hours and hours while Blair and Serena went to Paris, when Chuck went missing, when Charlie showed up, when...(WHAT? You can't seriously tell me you're going to watch it. That would be embarrassing. For you.)...anyway, I was saying, it took all my willpower to finally walk it into the kids' room and spread it out on Clementine's bed. I really wanted to keep it. But I'm an adult now, and I'm letting it go. She'll probably leave it behind when she goes to college and then it will be MINE, ALL MINE. Right?
So, here's the rundown on this quilt: the fabric on the quilt top is all from either Far Far Away (double gauze) or Far Far Away III (linen sheeting) by one of my favorite designers, Heather Ross, making it one of the softest quilts I have ever felt. Seriously, Quilting Cotton, I am about to break up with you forever. Frankly, you suck compared to double gauze. OK, I really, really shouldn't say that since Heather is about to debut her new quilting cotton line with Windham next week at Quilt Con. Let me rephrase: I will need to be re-wooed. And you'd better be soft this time, I am so totally serious. Can we talk about this issue some other time, though? I really want to focus on this quilt right now.
Pattern: Rainbow Quilt
I used Red Pepper Quilt's "A Quilt Without Binding" tutorial (basically you sew the front and back together right sides facing, and turn the whole thing right-side-out through a hole, but please do yourself a favor and go read the tutorial before you attempt this on your own; Rita gives some really useful tips) and did the actual quilting with purl cottons (from Purl!) in straight lines. I love that they came out just uneven enough to really make it look hand-made. Also: the stitches create a rainbow on the back. LOVE.
The back of the quilt is shot cotton, another one of my current favorite substrates of all time. Also: VERY SOFT. Love it. Can't really find it for sale anywhere right now, but I bought it at Sew Mama Sew; lots of local shops carry it, though.OK, just a few more shots for you of the quilt on Clementine's bed, and yes, I did make a matching scrap quilt for Bee-Bee.
Clementine loves to tuck Bee-Bee into bed before she climbs in right next to her, and both she and Bee-Bee are uber-cute in their matching quilts, to be sure. OK. Do you love it?? Because I do.