Fold-up-and-Snap Bib Tutorial!
My fold-up-and-snap bib tutorial's up at Sew Mama Sew today! This is a truly handy invention. I saw a vintage fold-up bib on friend's toddler a few years ago and the idea stuck with's just so much better than a regular bib. Perhaps I should remind those of you who aren't in the trenches with toddlers right now: when they eat, more food usually ends up on their lap and on the floor than actually in their mouths. This bib has a pocket that folds up to help catch crumbs, and when you're ready to wash it you just unsnap the pocket (the fold-up part) over the trash and throw it in the wash. Or you can leave it un-snapped during the meal for more toddler-body-coverage (think: applesauce).
I put hand-sewn snaps on this bib to show you don't need any special equipment to make this, but you could easily replace these with pressed snaps, buttons/buttonholes, or velcro tabs. I backed this bib with chenille but you could recycle an old terry cloth towel or some other absorbant fabric for the back as well. I've found that dark or busy fabrics make the best selection for the front. I had no idea that banana could leave such crazy stains until I had children (I know, right?!? Who would have thought?). Head to SMS for the bib tutorial.
And here's a peek at something else I finished the other day:
I love that little Sleeping Beauty. Can you guess what this will become? More pictures to come.