Spring Top Week Voting Buttons


The judges scores are all in; they have worked hard to evaluate all of the tops that were entered (368, WOW!), and that is no small task (don't worry, they didn't all look at every top, we split it up for them...that would have been really cruel). To see ALL of the fabulous tops that were entered, click here.  You may also add tops to this pool again if you missed the deadline or just want to show off your sewing.

Myrnie has tallied the judges scores and I am happy to announce that SIXTY TOPS have made it to the next round for reader voting.  That means you'll have twelve tops each day of Spring Top Week (that's this week, finally!) to see and vote on, starting tomorrow. 

Daily voting for each group of tops will begin at approximately 7 AM EST and end at about the same time the next day, meaning voting will be open for about 24 hours for each batch (plus or minus an hour here or there).  The top five from the daily votes will move on to the final round of voting (stay tuned for when that will happen)

If you'd like to help me get the word out, take a button!
And if your top makes it into the Top 60, you might like one of these:
By the way, if you're in the the Top 60, Myrnie will be leaving a little comment on your Flickr photos the day before we post letting you know you'll be featured.  So look for that!