Mommy Cards for Rae
Just have to show you these. I bought them all spur-of-the-moment one day a couple weeks ago and they arrived last week. I'm pretty geeked.
I saw these at Sarah+Abraham and after discovering that you could custom build each child (hair, eye, skin color) I had to have them. I guess I just love those little retro-cartoony faces. Almost as cute as my babies themselves. I should have put less hair on Clementine but whatevs, maybe it will grow in this summer and look just like that. Her roots are threatening to be blond though so we'll see.
These would have made a great Mother's Day gift but I already have a list about a mile long for Mr Rae. Fabric, patterns, chocolate, jewelry...
The childless me would have died if told one day I would have these, defined by my CHILDREN rather than myself? But you know what, that's exactly how moms at library story time, Kindermusik and the park all think of me. They can never remember my name, but they always remember I'm Elliot and Clementine's mom. And I couldn't be prouder to be associated with these two cuties. Being mom to these two is one of my proudest accomplishments and blessings.
Someday when I have more free time I won't cover up the phone number so you guys can give me a call and we'll chat, OK? If you run into me at the park though, be sure to ask for my card. I need to get rid of all these before my kids look different.