Ooh look at the pretty trims! (say it like Mrs Bennet)
I almost quit sewing for good the other day. I was on yet another sample for this pattern when I realized I had royally botched not only the sample in multiple places, but the pattern itself, the instructions, and oh yes the graphic embedded in the pattern instructions. I may have even thrown the sample against the wall, which by the way was vastly unsatisfying as (tends to be the case when sewing) it failed to break anything, dent a wall or even make a noise.
Later I sat at the kitchen table with my seam ripper tearing seams while Elliot ate his snack. He looked at the mess and asked "What you doing Mama?" and I thought, "My thoughts exactly!" It's on the floor in a pile right now. I'll get to it later.
Sometimes I really need take a deep breath, sit back and evaluate what I'm doing. With only a couple of hours post-bedtime to sew and email every day (unless I'm very lucky and they both sleep at the same time, which by some miracle they happen to be doing right now... doh! Don't jinx it Rae!!!), I have to be really careful about what I choose to do with that time. I want to make sure that I'm enjoying it. It's still a hobby for me, not a job, and so when it stops being fun, I need to take a break. How do you prioritize your projects? It's something I struggle with constantly.
I'm providing you with that lovely picture of my favorite trims up thar to give us all hope that beautiful things will again appear on this blog. Based on the number of WIPs lying around me right now, it might happen in the next couple of days. But if not, I want to let you know that I am currently working on something with a slew of other bloggers for the month of February (will tell more next week) that is going to be very very fun!
UPDATE 4:04 PM: Have just been to the long thread, and how about this great little craft for those trims?